Beach Activities
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We carry out a wide range of fun filled beach activities for our groups of children. These activities are aimed at team building by working together to solve problems through beach games. At the same time they have some great fun. Some of the activities include the water pipes. This is where several of the children in teams compete against one another by placing pipes on top of each other. They then need to plug the holes in the pipes while another fetches and pours water into the pipe. The water must be filled to the brim and done as fast as possible in the race to beat the other team. Another activity involves the team mates placing several pieces of piping alongside one another to try and roll a ball from one side to the next. There are also several other games and learning activities that fill up the day on the beach. All these activities are designed so that they can only be done efficiently if a level of team work has been made in the group. The children learn to work together in their groups to carry out the tasks and come away with a new sense of teamwork confidence.